Joint Activities and International Cooperation

The Institute had carried out many joint projects with international bodies as follows:

  • Development of mathematical model for shoreline evolution under combined action of waves and currents with the USAID and California University, 1977.
  • Study of Master plan of the Nile Delta coast with Tetra-Tech (USA) and shore Protection Authority “SPA”, 1985.
  • Searching and evaluating of borrow coarse sand to nourish Baltim sea resort beach, Nile Delta coast with Delft Hydraulics Holland, 1989.
  • Study the implication of relative sea level rise on the development of the lower Nile Delta, with Delft Hydraulics Holland, 1991.
  • Study vulnerability assessment to accelerated sea level rise on the development of the lower Nile Delta, with Delft Hydraulics Holland, 1992.
  • Study of implication of climatic changes for coastal area of Fuka-Matrouh with UNDP, 1995.
  • MED-Non Point Sources of Pollution, case study west of Alexandria with European Communities, 1996.
  • Study the submerged groins with SPA Greek and Egyptian Company for shore protection, 1998.
  • Base map studies for the coastal area at LNG Plant Site, Idku - Abu-Quir Bay with HR Wallingford, 2002.
  • Cooperation in the development of a plan for the integrated coastal zone management of the coastal area between Marsa Matruh and El Sallum, Egypt, with Cantabria University Spain, Matruh governorate and EEAA, 2007.
  • Cooperation in the development of a plan for the integrated coastal zone management of the coastal area between Marsa Matruh and El Sallum, Egypt, with Cantabria University Spain, Matruh governorate and EEAA, 2007.
  • Adaptation to the impact of the sea level rise in the Nile Delta coastal zone from Gamasa to Ras El Bar, Egypt with IDRC, 2009-2012.
  • Exploration and evaluation of sediment dredged from harbors and pathways off the Nile Delta coast for better environmental and economic use, with Academy of scientific Research and Technology, Egypt, 2009 – 2012.
  • Adaptation to climate change in the Nile Delta through integrated coastal zone management with UNDP & GEF, 2009 – 2014.
