Temporal Shore ling Changes Off ELNG Port - Idku Sit
- Sea wave and currents at west and east side of loading arms, ELNG Port IDKU site. Progress report No. 5,6,7,8 and 9.
2 Business field, which has been implemented in the village of Marina El Alamein.
The names of technical reports :
- Field development project north of Edco.
Bottom topography and volumetric properties of beach sand area of El Arish. 2007/2008
The names of technical reports:
- Sea wave and currents at west and east side of loading arms, ELNG Port IDKU site. Progress report No. 5,6,7,8 and 9.
- Temporal Shoreling Changes Off ELNG Port-Idku Sit
- Coastal vulnerability to climate changes and adaptation assessment for coastal zones of Egypt.
- Study processes in the region of Sacrifice sixth and seventh Centre Marina El Alamein and propose protection work.
- Drawings of the work area protection status of the sixth and seventh Marina El Alamein.
- Bid requirements and technical specifications of the work area protection status of the sixth and seventh Marina El Alamein.
- Contamination of beaches Marina seaweed and methods of control.