Mission and vision
CoRI is concerned with research and investigation activities to protect and to develop the coastal zones of Egypt through the following objectives: Monitoring the evolution of the Mediterranean coast in order to determine the near shore zone changes of the Nile delta and its neighborhood.
Collecting and analyzing Dynamical, coastal and marine data for the determination of the erosion and accretion pattern and their driving forces. Conducting numerical models to predict future changes in the coastal zone, and select the most economical and effective protective measures and to find out their best alignment.
Studying and design the most efficient, low cost and high effective control works to protect the heavily populated areas with its valuable agricultural land, industrial establishments and infrastructure from the sea attacks and carrying out their EIA.
Providing expert advice to the Egyptian Government on problems associated with coastal instability. Integrated coastal zone management studies considering current and future changes.
As the coastal zones of Egypt hosts many natural resources, CoRI emphasizes on Integrated Management Plans (IMP) for sustainable protection and development of the coastal zones.
Institute Personnel
There are 150 personnel working in the institute. There are five professor doctors, six associated professor doctors, ten doctors, four MSc., and nine engineering. The remaining personnel are marine labors in the different field teams, technicians, drivers and administration & financial persons. The disciplines of technical staff include coastal engineering, marine geologist, physical oceanographer, hydrodynamic engineer and marine construction engineers with various levels of academic degrees.
Scientific Departments
The Coastal Research Institute encompasses four technical multidisciplinary departments and five units as follows:
Hydrodynamic Department with the following sections:
Field Investigation Section.
Data Base Section.
Numerical modeling Section.
Physical modeling Section.
Coastal Engineering Department with the following sections:
Planning and Designing Section.
Protection Impact studies Section.
Marine Geology Department with the following sections:
Sedimentation Section
Oceanography Department with the following sections:
Physical Oceanography Section.
Chemical Oceanography Section.
GIS unit.
Scientific Instruments unit.
Field Labs unit.
Mechanical Affairs unit.
Drawing and Photo unit.