
Bio data of :Dr. Ayman Abd Elmoneim

Key Qualification:


  1. Professor Researcher of Marine Geology
  2. Deputy Director of Coastal Research Institute.
  3. Environmental Radioactivity Consultant.
  4. M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Environmental Studies
  5. B.Sc. in General Oceanography
  6. Member of the Board of Directors of Coastal Research Institute.
  7. Principal investigator of the project "Study of the microbial pollution control resulting from sewage treatment plant working with down-flow hanging sponge (DHS) system by safe and economic use of natural isotopes". Accepted project submitted to National Water Research Center.
  8. Lecturer of Marine Geology Course for preparatory course program of under graduate and post graduate students. in academic years 2017-2018-2019 of Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Alexandria University.
  9. Lecturer of Occupational Health and Safety courses in the in the Workers Education Association, Egyptian Trade Union Federation since 2014 till now.
  10. Principal investigator of the project "Study of the effect of Edku cloaca to the estuary of El- Maadia" financially supported by the Egyptian Public Authority for Drainage Projects.
  11. Collaborated as the Egyptian Principal Investigator in the project "Study of Nutrient Fluxes via Submarine Groundwater Discharge into the Coastal Zone around Alexandria", with Prof. William Burnett through U.S. - Egypt Joint Board on Scientific and Technological Cooperation, budget from US NSF, 2009-2010.
  12. Co-organizer of a workshop "Marine Constituent Dynamics in Coastal Egypt" sponsored by the
  13. U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), with, Prof. Mohamed Sheridah (National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries, NIOF) and Richard Peterson (Coastal Carolina University, USA) as co-organizers, held on 20th November 2009 in Montaza Sheraton, Alexandria, Egypt.
  14. Editor for specific International Journals
  15. Co-Author of Encyclopedia of Estuaries.
  16. Author of Chapter 13 “Egyptian Nile Delta coastal lagoons: alteration and subsequent restoration” in Coastal Wetlands: Alteration and Remediation book - Edited by Charles W. Finkl and Chris Makowski, in CRL Series, Springer.
  17. Author of Chapter 8 “Water and sediments qualities of the Nile River Estuaries” in The Nile Delta Book (Volume) - edited by Abdelazim M. Negm, in the series of The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Project coordinator Dr Andrea Schlitzberger, Springer.
  18. Author of Chapter 4 “Distribution of Natural radioactivity in the Egyptian part of the Nile River from Aswan to Elmenia” in The Nile River Delta Book (Volume) - edited by Abdelazim M. Negm, in the series of The Handbook of Environmental Chemistry, Project coordinator Dr Andrea Schlitzberger, Springer.
  19. Reviewer for different journals such as: Journal of Coastal Research, African Journal of Environmental  Science  and  Technology,  World  Journal  of  Nuclear  Science  and Technology (WJNST), Asian Journal of Physical Sciences, Journal of Global Ecology and Environment, Physical Science International Journal, Journal of Physical Science and Environmental Studies (JPSES) and others.
  20. More than 34 Scientific papers published in national and international journals and international conferences. More than 42 scientific reports and books.
  21. Three months training course in Environmental and chemical radioactivity at Marine Environment Laboratory (MEL), International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), UN in Monaco, France, from 16 February 2002 to 16 May 2002.
  22. Three months scientific mission in Environmental Radioactivity Measurement Facility, Oceanography Department, Florida State University, Florida, USA, from 10 January to 11 April 2010.
  23. Participated in the International Training Programme on Climate Change – Mitigation and Adaptation which held its first part at Norrköping and Stockholm, Sweden from 26 September to 21 October 2011 and the second part at Beirut, Lebanon during May 2012, and the last part at Alexandria, Egypt, sponsored by Sida and organized by SMHI.
  24. Attendant to the "Desalination and the Environment" training course, Barcelona, Spain, 24-26 November, 2010. Sponsored by Horizon 2020 Capacity Building/Mediterranean Environment Programme.
  25. Participated in the 7th World Water Forum (Water for future). In South Korea. 12-17 April 2015.
  26. Participated in "Regional training course on economic valuation tools for wetlands ecosystems management" during the period between 14-18 December 2015. In Nairobi, Kenya.
  27. Attendant to scientific trip to AANDERAA Company, Pergin, Norway during the period from 24-26 Sept 2018.
  28. Member of the National Committee for the Egyptian Environmental Law 4/1994 update to Law 9/2009, concerning the coastal water pollution criteria guidelines.
  29. Have About 31 years’ experience in the field of the coastal and marine environment and environmental radioactivity.
  30. Organize and sharing as lecturer in different environmental workshops.
  31. Have wide Experience in the Environmental monitoring and assessment.
  32. Five years participation in the project "Monitoring of pollution in the Egyptian Mediterranean coast", Environmental Information and Monitoring Program (EIMP), granted by EEAA (Egypt) and Danida (Denmark).
  33. About nine years organize, supervise and participate in the program of monitoring of water quality and pollution in the Egyptian Mediterranean coast from Marina to Port Said as part of CoRI Research Plan for Marine Geology Department activities, as head of the department and as team leader, CoRI.
  34. Dedicated to maintaining high quality standards especially with ISO 17025, 14001 and OHSAS 18001.

